Surprises Between the Sheets (of paper)

I almost forgot to tell you guys about the cool thing that happened at RWA12 last week…

Well, let’s start the tale with the fact that Shadow Rising, book 2 in my spicy urban fantasy series with Samhain is coming out next month!!! Well, I’m excited about this fact, so I scraped together my nickels and dimes and came up with the money to put a little black and white ad in September’s issue of RT magazine. 

I was so pleased when I opened the magazine and saw my ad! (September’s issue arrives to most people in the first week of August, but they had it at the conference a week early!!)

This is what my little ad baby looked like:



Isn’t it precious?? *cuddle*

So when my friend Melissa Cutler asked if I’d seen my book in RT, I proudly answered yes and opened the magazine to the page that sported my ad. But then she said something like, “No, not that one–the other one.”

Gasp. Was she crazy? What was she talking about? So I frantically flipped through until I stumbled upon this: 





EEeeeppp!!!!!! It was like my ad, only what my ad would have turned out like if it had been raised in a better home and Harvard educated. With celebrity parents. The picture doesn’t do it justice. It’s bright and shiny. Sparkly, even. I was gushing all over the place, ready to have Samhain’s little book babies right then and there. 

So…there’s really no moral to this story other than I wanted to gush over my book baby a little. Isn’t she so cute?

And if you’d like to see the bright, shiny version, pick up a copy of this month’s RT magazine. 😀

Hugs, Cassi Image

About cassicarver

Author of urban fantasy and romance.

Posted on August 6, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Yay! I was so excited to see Shadow Rising in RT Magazine. A fantastic cover for a fantastic book!

  2. Both your ads look awesome!!!! I hope they sell lots of books for you next month!!! 🙂


    Lisa 🙂

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